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Just a quick personal update from my long lazy Sunday because of the super typhoon Lando! My supposed to be climb schedule were cancelled, It was no-where to go because of the gusty winds and occasional rains everywhere. Oh wait! Just few corners away from where I live, there's a weekend market where-in local and international flavor could be enjoy. Without any hesitation, I immediately dressed up and went there to discover the market. Woot! Thanks Legazpi Sunday Market for saving my supposed to be long and lazy Sunday.

Legazpi Market is weekend market located at the pay parking near Legaspi park. It is in the corner of Legazpi and V.A Rufino Street on the left side and V.A Rufino corner Salcedo Street on the right side.

I have been in this weekend market many times and it never fails to make me have a good day. The market has a lot of things to offer for the shoppers and foodies alike, making it unique to other weekend market. Both local and international flavors are present. There's a varieties of Asian cuisines such as Indian, Chinese, Malaysian, Indonesian and Filipino cuisine. There's also International dishes such as, Turkish dumplings, Dessert pops, and very nice wheat bread from GeraldPh.

Legazpi market starts at 8 in the morning and usually finish at 2 in the afternoon. I just waited for the rain to stop and I went there immediately. It was already 11 AM and I was starving. I haven't have breakfast yet, so I went directly to Warung warung - the only one selling an Indonesian foods in the market.

This is actually one of many reasons why I keep coming back to this market. Indonesian foods is now my favorite and I feel like I cannot let the week passed without eating the Terung Telur Belado and Ayam Goreng from Warung Warung. Aside from Warung warung, some delightful Filipino, Indian, Spanish and French cuisine were also present in the market.

After eating breakfast at warung-warung, I decided to roam around the market. The sellers were not many as like normal sunny Sunday and shoppers were also few because of the typhoon. But apart from that, the market were still busy. There was still a lot of colorful handicrafts, textile, fresh fruits and vegetable and some local delicacies.

I highly recommend this market for those who wants to discover local and international flavors. Just be advised many expats are doing their errands here and the products here are pretty much expensive compare to ordinary market.

You may visit their facebook page for upcoming events in the weekend market : Legazpi Sunday Market Page

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