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Hello guys! This is my first ever post for style category. I am like getting bored these days and since I started to love fashion, I decided to create a style category. But hey guy’s I’m sorry for a not-so good picture in this entry. I was out with my cousin who wasn't that good on photography, so do not criticize me yet, Lol!

Basically, It is not easy at all to choose an appropriate outfits for someone like me who has a slightly built body shape.(now blaming myself for being so lazy to work out) It is really true that the crucial style mistake would ruins your look, And for myself I always have doubt if I would go for a fit-shirt or the loose one. It’s really frustrating guys! to think that if I would go with the fit one I would look like a sharp barbecue stick or a banana cue stick, and if I go with the loose one I think I would look like a walking hanger. Lol!

This time I’ve chose to wear a semi-loose Moroccan Djellaba shirt, a brown stripes scarf and a hat. I decided to converge this clothing combination because I believe that it was a perfect timing and mixtures of the weather, location and the outfits. I also love how this Moroccan Djellaba shirt perfectly matched to the color of my scarf and hat.

Photograph by Jaymarie Ansay

Wearing: Moroccan Djellaba by (Moroccan Men Clothing) | Walking Shorts (Coco Republic) | Abercrombie & Fitch) | Hat (Blue Horse) | Scarf (IZAC) | Sneakers (New Balance)

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